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413 Elite Foundation Player Clinic Registration
Age as of August 31, 2022

413 Elite has a strict NO TOLERANCE behavior policy. Coaches are there to coach, players are there to play, the referees are there to ref, and everybody else is there to cheer on their team in a positive manner. We don't allow players to taunt the opposition or argue with calls. Nor do we allow parents to berate players, coaches or parents. Violation of our behavior policy may restrict in membership being revoked and no refund. Our family has read and accepts this and the club policies.


Basketball is a contact sport. While 413 Elite makes every effort to avoid injuries, they do happen in this sport. Knowing this, we (the player & parents) understand that an injury is a possibility. We agree as a collective family to waive 413 Elite, all their representatives, and all the facilities we use and their representatives from any legal action should any injury occur. The player also agrees not to behave in any reckless or careless manner that might cause greater risk to the player or the player's teammates.

To complete registration click the link below to Check Out:

 4-Week Youth & Teen Basketball Clinic